Every part of your resume is important; from your choice of paper to your font choice, it all makes a difference. One item you should not overlook is the importance of your email address. Consider the impression your email address might make if it is skulls81@… or rodeocowboy@… — not a great first impression, and it […]
Titling your Resume
One of the most common irritations that hiring managers run into, and pastoral search committees are no different, is the titling of resumes. The average position opening may attract anywhere from ten to 100 applicants, and some positions even more than that. Can you imagine as a search committee or pastor rifling through hundreds of resumes? […]
3 Reasons You’re Not Getting An Interview
You’ve written a fantastic resume, a well-crafted cover letter, and you’ve even printed it on premium stock. But now you wait, and wait, and wait for an interview. But alas, you’re not getting an interview, or even a call-back, or at least that dreaded “Dear John” email. If you’re looking to break through, take a […]
Is A Cover Letter Necessary?
Who read cover letters, anyway? Well, we might never know the answer to that question, but for decades cover letters have accompanied resumes, and for decades job seekers have been neglecting cover letters. That’s right — I’m talking about you. You’re wondering if a cover letter is necessary because you don’t feel like writing one, […]
How To Ensure That Your Resume Will Stand Out
Resumes really haven’t changed much over the course of the last 50 or 60 years. Sure, fonts have been updated and everyone uses fancy paper now, but the content is still the same format. So, what are you going to do differently to stand out to your next church?
Social Media and Your Career
Recently, a study completed by Harris Research indicated that which we all assumed all along: your future employer checks you out online. From bad mouthing your current or previous employer to inappropriate content (legal and illegal activity), this study found that what you post online for the world to see, surprisingly, has an impact on […]
Job Board Added to Pastoral Resume!
Pastoral Resume is excited to announce the addition of a job board to our website. Over the last year we have consistently increased our website traffic and are one of the leading sources of information for those entering ministry and faith-based organization employment. As you are searching for a ministry position, you can simply visit […]
Double Spacing after a Period
For decades, folks here in the United States have been using double spacing after periods, because — or so they think — that’s what you’re supposed to do. It’s true, there are rogue English teachers across America who may require you to do so, however, authorities on style and formatting universally tend to agree that […]
A Guide to Writing A Pastoral Resume
Pastoral training does not necessarily prepare you to write a professional resume. At the same time, church or ministry employment is a unique industry that requires a different kind of resume than a typical employer might. Churches often receive dozens of resumes in their pastoral search process, and finding the right candidate is a rigorous […]
We’re Changing Some Things Around Here…
We’re undergoing a lot of changes here at Pastoral Resume. We’ve changed quite a bit on the website as far as the look of the site, and this will continue to change and grow as we develop the site and our little organization.